What is the difference between general and core expertise?
Each participating organization has been asked to define the level of its own expertise: core or general. Core expertise refers to the area where the organization has a primary and leading role; general expertise refers to the area where the organization is working on in addition to the main topics its mandate focuses on
How did this SDG mapping come about?
The Perception Change Project (PCP), based at the Office of the Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, developed the first version of “Mapping the Expertise of International Geneva in SDGs” to respond to the need of defining who is doing what in Geneva on the SDGs. With over 100 International actors in Geneva, the map made an important contribution in providing an initial overview of the unique expertise and synergies existing in the city, that define international Geneva as the hub for the implementation of the SDGs. PCP produced the first version of the SDG Mapping, with some 75 International Geneva entities self-assessing themselves in 9 functional types of expertise, prior to the Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015. This online interactive second version was produced in the course of 2016 to allow dynamic input and updating and visualization using different parameters.
How does it connect to mapping initiatives of other International Organizations and entities in Geneva? Is there any such mapping effort done in other places?
There have been a number of initiatives mapping publications, programmes, projects and other efforts related to the SDGs conducted by members of the UN Family, such as UNCTAD, other PCP Partners in Geneva, and organizations globally. Let us know about your SDG mapping effort, we’ll be happy to connect!
When will the online SDG Mapping be launched?
It has been avaible for public from Spring 2017. It is a work in progress, getting periodically updated. New entities are getting added to provide a more complete picture.
What was it developed in, is it open-source (technical parameters)?
All mappings were built with a software for 3-dimensional-knowledge-mapping. The software is provided by the company Kontextlab, who is specialised in the visualization of complex information. The Perception Change Project team and the team from Kontextlab conceptualized and implemented the SDG mapping. The software can be licenced for any projects and the Kontextlab team is open to help with the process.
Will you have a print version?
Yes, Perception Change Project is working on a map of the 2nd edition of the SDG Mapping, which will be printed at UNOG. For more information, contact perceptionchange@unog.ch
Do you plan the SDG Mapping in other languages?
Perception Change Project would eventually like to adopt it in French, pending identification and commitment of necessary resources.